Check historical WHOIS records of domain names in one click with our web interface.
You can keep track of how a domain’s ownership has evolved using API calls to supplement existing systems and applications.
Get bulk access to billions of historical WHOIS records. Download a free sample.
Investigate domain history ownership in-depth and much more using the capabilities of our Domain Research Suite (DRS) dashboard.
Our WHOIS History product line relies on a comprehensive WHOIS database that contains billions of current and historical domain records. Our domain intelligence is continuously updated with the latest registration occurrences.
Besides the breadth of records contained in our WHOIS database, our data offers depth with all relevant data points you might need to check domain ownership and registrar history with precision.
The WHOIS history of a domain name is also referred to as domain ownership history. It consists of the list of the domain's past owners, their address and contact information, and other registration details, as shown in WHOIS records.
To access historical WHOIS information, you can use one of our four products – WHOIS History API, lookup, database, or the respective search tool of the Domain Research Suite (DRS). Upon signup, you get 10 free queries (500 DRS credits), so you can start right away.
Using DRS or the WHOIS history lookup tool, simply type the domain name into the tool’s field to get the historical records. For the API, please refer to the API docs to learn more about API queries and see usage examples.
Please note that the lookup is limited to the last 3 records, so you’ll need to use the API, database, or Domain Research Suite to get complete data.
Reviewing historical WHOIS records offers several advantages:
All our products provide you with rich historical WHOIS records, including registrar data, name servers, as well as registrant details such as organization, address, contacts, and more. Everything that has been publicly available in a WHOIS record when it was created or changed ends up in our database.
It’s worth noting that since 2018 ICANN forced the Temporary Specification for Generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) Registration Data, so, unless the domain owner explicitly contented to sharing the data, some fields in records from 2018 and later would display “redacted for privacy”.
However, historical records from before the implementation of ICANN’s new rules retain complete records with all data, which is very useful for providing context into domain history. Read more in our blog post on retrieving domain data after redaction.
WHOIS records are typically provided in plain text format. However, WhoisXML API offers them in JSON and XML formats to simplify working with the data.
Our Domain Research Suite offers historical WHOIS data as formatted text to make it easier to find important information.
The database is released quarterly. If you need more frequent updates, we recommend combining it with the Newly Registered Domains feed that is updated daily.
You can find more details about the database in its specifications.
Our oldest WHOIS records often date back to 2010. These records include rich WHOIS data without privacy redactions.
Yes, each record is unique and added to our database as a result of a change in a domain’s recorded WHOIS data.
We have possibly the largest WHOIS history database with 21.0B+ WHOIS records across 7,596 TLDs. We have partnerships with most major registrars to keep our data fresh and accurate.
Yes, access to our WHOIS history data is possible via our Enterprise API and Security Intelligence (SI) Suite Packages.
Enterprises choosing to use the API automatically get access to Domain Research Suite as well.
“We want to provide all Cyberscape users the ability to integrate relevant data for their cyber threat investigations. WhoisXML API provides unique data that will be helpful to the cyber threat investigation community, allowing analysts to shorten the cycle of understanding and mitigating threats.”
“WhoisXML API offers a comprehensive suite that can serve as a one-stop shop. Furthermore, the team is very supportive of the academic research community, and overall responsive to customer inquiries!”
“The WhoisXML History API has been a game changer for our online investigations, trainings, and books. We have uncovered the true owners behind numerous malicious domains, even though they currently possess "private" Whois registration.”
“Whois XML is one of the most important tools we use for domain intelligence in the Bachelor's Degree program in Investigation and Security Sciences at the University of Perugia. In particular, we appreciate the reverse research from IP to Domain and Whois with query filters. The tool is comprehensive, providing detailed information such as phone numbers, names, and other details from Whois records. While many Whois records are now covered by privacy regulations, WhoisXML API provides access to all historical WHOIS records.”
“WhoisXML was the game changer for us. It has revolutionized our ability to disrupt cybercrime in process and at scale by quickly identifying all of the vendors providing material support for scammers using sophisticated website templates that look legitimate. By quickly identifying the vendors unknowingly supporting the criminals, we can provide them with public interest justification to burn down the criminal infrastructure.”
“WhoisXML API is amazing for checking out the historic registration information of a domain, pivoting to locate the alternate registrations with the same details and also my cyber investigations. The data proved very useful when investigating pig butchering scams and domains that host child abuse material.”
“Very useful for investigations, we can go back in history and see when domains were registered and who owned them at a certain time.”
“WhoisXML API builds out data sets that help users correlate attack infrastructure with related IP and WHOIS information.”
Get free access to our API and Domain Research Suite. 500 free credits. No credit card required.