Quarterly WHOIS Database Download Files Are Now Available on Snowflake | WhoisXML API

Quarterly WHOIS Database Download Files Are Now Available on Snowflake

We are excited to announce that Snowflake users can now request access to WHOIS Database Download’s quarterly gTLD and ccTLD files on the platform, available in three formats:

  • Simple: The simple CSV file contains the domain name, registrar name and email address, WHOIS and name servers, creation and expiration dates, and registrant and administrative contact details.
  • Regular: The regular CSV file contains all the fields in the Simple file, along with information about the billing, technical, and zone contacts.
  • Full: This file format contains all fields in the Simple file, in addition to the raw text from the WHOIS registry and registrar.

Quarterly gTLD and ccTLD WHOIS database files are extensive and centralized repositories of WHOIS records known to WhoisXML API, provided in standardized and well-parsed formats.

The files provide an ideal starting point for builders of cybersecurity platforms and other solutions who seek to obtain comprehensive domain ownership data quickly and with minimal burden on their product and development teams.

Accessing the quarterly WHOIS database files within the user-friendly Snowflake ecosystem saves cybersecurity professionals and developers time and effort by eliminating the need to manually retrieve large files or set up complex, custom storage solutions. This streamlined data access helps development teams meet aggressive launch deadlines by allowing them to focus on other priorities.

Moreover, Snowflake’s powerful data integration capabilities enable users to easily contextualize WHOIS intelligence with other data sources for comprehensive threat detection and other objectives. In addition, Snowflake provides end-to-end data security, offering robust features that help users comply with data governance policies and privacy regulations.

Ready to enrich your development process with extensive WHOIS intelligence? Feel free to contact us to request access to WHOIS data within Snowflake.

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